We want you to:
- Innovate and set goals
We thrive on a(n):
- Open learning culture
- Hands-on approach
- Explore and grow your future career
Think of:
- Certification opportunities
- Available Training budget
- Guidance in future career move
Want to evolve in a certain branch? We’ve got you covered.
- Be responsible and open minded
We provide:
- A cross-learning environment
- Top Teamwork
- Brand new technologies
- Conferences & seminars attendance
- Improve your skills
We believe education is the key to success. By:
- Constantly learning new technologies
- Certification opportunities
- Team presentations
- Licenses on online learning platform
- Close proximity to people with over 10+ years of experience
- Create social and sustainable impact
We, at The Data Forest:
- Plant 5 trees/hour with Trees for the future (more info: trees.org )
- Build environmental reports to inspire other companies
- Attend the latest sustainable and environmental summits.
- Join the team!
We promise:
Enthusiasm & Good vibes
Drinks on Friday
An inspirational venue
Come join us @ Corda campus Hasselt